Wed, Dec 31st - 10:32PM
....For us to have goals for this new year is important We derive our goals from Gods Word and listening to His voice as we seek His direction. as we follow through on these goals, we ultimately reflect who we truly believe God to be. As we speak to others and act out these goals, we reveal that God has a place of honor in our lives...And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Collossians 3:17. "May everyone have a blessed and Happy New Year"
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Mon, Dec 29th - 11:25PM
What is a disciple? The dictionary define disciple as a follower, a pupil. When Jesus asked the twelve disciples “Will ye also go away?” was to cause them to seriously consider their position and make a firm faith commitment. Peter, being the spokesperson for the twelve, answered from the heart,..John 6:67-69– Then Jesus said to the Twelve, Do you also wish to go away? 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words of eternal life. 6:69 And we have believed and have known that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. We all have to come to that conclusion in order to receive Jesus as our Savior. Many followed Jesus during his earthly ministry but not all stayed the course. His teachings were demanding and very unpopular for the accepted attitude of the day.
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Fri, Dec 26th - 9:31PM
Sometimes when we try to be the best, we’re often dismayed to find there is always someone smarter more successful than we are, so we become discouraged , disappointed that we are second place.–second best. John the Baptist understood second place, following Jesus, who was his superior in every way. His life’s purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus. Yet he never viewed his role as second best. Rather, he understood the honor of an unworthy servant being chosen for such a task. What fulfilment and freedom he found in humility. We too can find fulfilment by faithfully following Jesus and being content in our God given tasks, even though they may not seem as important as others tasks.We need to humbly submit to Jesus and experience His freedom and fulfilment, and be happy in what we do…And preached, saying There comes one mightier than I after me the latched of who’s shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. MARK 1:7….
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Tue, Dec 23rd - 10:02PM
As we approach Christmas this year my prayer is for all of mankind to recgonize why we celebrate. For it is one of the most amazing events the world has ever known the wonderful birth of a Savior for all of us. "Jesus Christ The king of all Kings". Wishing All A Very Blessed And Merry Christmas [Bro Larry]
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Mon, Dec 22nd - 9:39PM
Jesus often referred to Himself as the shepherd , one who cares for his sheep. He knew his sheep and they knew Him. Sheep depend on their shepherds for protection , and provision. Jesus was called the Lamb of God. It was no coincidence that shepherds was chosen as the first to know of Christ’s birth. The shepherds heard and believed the good news. and they rushed to Bethlehem to see the Savior who’s birth was announced . They did not keep the news to themselves, and they weren’t afraid to share it. They hurried about the town telling everyone about the miracle born that night. Though we may have read the good news story over and over, we need to share the good news with lost people this Christmas…And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child. Luke 2:17……
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Sat, Dec 20th - 11:16PM
Mary Blessed By Gods Grace
Lots of books and songs have been written about Mary the mother of Jesus. Many stories have been told, and many girls have been named after her. Schools and hospitals have been named in her honor. She's been praised and worshiped, and talked about through the ages. But one of the best gifts she left to the world is her humility in accepting Gods grace. How does this relate to us today? The story of Jesus birth is a story of Gods grace to all of us.We are all recipients of Gods grace.The true gift is the one that is pleasing to God and comes from Him because of Gods grace. With Jesus as the greatest gift, then we must accept that Jesus' coming is the greatest example of Gods grace. Mary knew firsthand Gods grace...And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou who art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among woman. Luke 1:28.
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Wed, Dec 17th - 10:15PM
Greatest Event
Joseph set a good example of being just and obeying the laws. He obeyed God’s messenger and excepted Mary as his beloved wife, and thus, was part of the greatest event the world has ever known—The birth of our Saviour The Lord Jesus Christ. When we obey God, we are co laborers with every Christian who shares the Christmas story; and God includes us in His salvation plan. Let us share the Christmas story with everyone. And tell of the greatest event that has ever happened the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ….Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife. Matthew 1:24…
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Sun, Dec 14th - 10:43PM
When issues or relationships are supremely significant in our lives, we should be on fire regarding those priorities and no one is more important to us than God. God is passionate about our relationships with Him. We are His top priorities. He proved His love by sending the promised Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. He cared for us so much that He became Immanuel, God with us"... Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call his name Immanuel. which being interpreted is God with us. Matthew 1:23....So now its our turn . Shouldn't we be passionate for God after all He's done for us? Lets be on fire for our Lord...Therfore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14.......
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Thu, Dec 11th - 9:59PM
We need more today than ever before to pay great attention to these words from James 1:12-13….Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them who love him..James was encouraging Christians, who were tempted to give in to hang in there. He reminded them that they too would have a reward coming if they would endure the temptation and persecution of the present age. As we deal with the pressures and temptations of life today, we need to remember that we have a reward awaiting us that is better than any temporary pleasure this world has to offer...13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempteth no man:
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Sun, Dec 7th - 10:49PM
Once an artist was painting a winter scene. As he began to paint, the scene that unfolded on the canvas was of snow covered ground and pine trees. The artist’s hand brought the day to a close and night fell on the canvas, and the--entire scene was covered with semi-darkness. A grim log cabin was barelyvisible in the shadows. Then the artist dipped his brush in the yellow paint of his pallet, and with a few strokes placed in one of the cabin windows the warm glow of a lamp. As he finished the painting the gold rays of the lamp reflected happily on the fresh snow. The lonely light totally changed the tone of the picture, replacing the gloomy chilled night with a warm and secure homestead. What happened on that canvas happened two thousand years ago on the world’s canvas. When a tiny baby came into a grim and dark world, shining light across the barren landscape and offering all the hope of eternal warmth and security. [Daily Bread]
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Wed, Dec 3rd - 11:05PM
The Christmas rush jammed the streets of London. Drivers were losing their tempers. One fellow who had decorated his car by putting a bunch of holly on the hood seemed to think that everyone should make way for him. When a taxi blocked his progress, he leaned out and shouted abuse. The taxi driver replied, “What’s the use of having holly on your bonnet if you ain’t got holly in your heart?” Without our heart’s response to God’s love and grace in giving us Jesus, our celebrations are, as Shakespeare said, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Isaiah 55:12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing; and all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands.
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Mon, Dec 1st - 9:11PM
Does God grant special protection to His children in battle dangers? Listen to this. A group of soldiers on the Anzio bridgehead in Italy were cut off from their company by German machine gunners. When the farmhouse they were defending was directly hit, all but three of the fifteen were wounded. The officer lay in the rubble but was able to reach for his Daily Light. The text he saw proved to be, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”{Isaiah 59:19} Happily the officer read it aloud, declaring his assurance that all of them would be rescued. True enough, in a few minutes an Allied hospital truck drove up and the entire group was helped in and carried to safety. But the strange thing about it was that German machine gunners watched the operation from their trenches only fifty yards away and never fired a shot, while a German sentry at the crossroads appeared equally indifferent. All agreed that it was nothing less than a direct intervention of God. –Wesleyan Missionary
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