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          Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:1-2 NKJV

    Mon, Jul 28th - 11:48PM

    Christ our Substitute

    Our sins were exchanged for His righteousness , and we stand uncondemned because of His substitutionary death. Humanity is looking for someone great, good, and loving enough to step in and take of its burdens and bear them, all of its sorrows and share them, all of its problems and solve them, all of its obligations and meet them. This Jesus can do.  

    He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. Isaiah 53:8

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    Wed, Jul 23rd - 10:45PM

    All Things New

    Someday the work that God began at the cross  will be finished on a universal scale. Think of all the things that will be new in heaven: new glorified bodies; relationships made whole; and the church living in complete unity. How wonderful will be a fresh start in a new place to live for eternity. All things will be new. And the greatest of these new things will be new hearts that receive the “fountain of water of life freely” {Revelation 21:6}  as a gift from God.

    And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He *said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” Revelations 21:5 NASB

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    Fri, Jul 18th - 9:48PM

    Stay on the Right Road

    It’s easy to take the wrong road in daily life and be drawn into unwise, even sinful, situations. Avoiding the worlds evil ways can preserve our lives. Psalm 31:3 demonstrates the proper attitude for one who desires to stay on the right road: “For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name’s sake, Lead me and guide me.The highway of the upright is to depart from evil;

     He who keeps his way preserves his soul. Proverbs 16:17 NKJV

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    Thu, Jul 10th - 11:37PM

    Successful Life

    The principle today is : When you are skilled and diligent in your work, God will bless you. What ever the skill learn it. Whatever the task achieve it. Whatever you do, do it consistently and prayerfully. Give it your best. Do it heartily as unto the Lord and with humility. It is remarkable to discover how true this principle is in life. Some of the worlds greatest leaders and most successful business persons, come from the most obscure places. Geographical roots and human limitation never limit God. Dream. Excel. Believe.

    Do you see a man skilled in his work?He will stand in the presence of kings. He will not stand in the presence of unknown men.  Proverbs 22:29 HCSB

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    Thu, Jul 3rd - 11:06PM

    100 Percent God 100 Percent Man

    No human mind can fully understand how Christ is 100 percent God and 100 percent man. to the unbelieving world, it’s impossible. Acceptance of this truth takes faith in a God who lived among us in the incarnation. Though tempted by every sin, the God man never yielded to Satan. Perhaps you have heard people say Jesus was a teacher, a prophet, or even a good man, but they want accept that Jesus is God’s Son. They can’t get their minds around the idea that the only way to our heavenly Father is through the shed blood of Christ, the only perfect sacrifice. Only the Holy Spirit can open their eyes.

    Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. KJV

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    Name: Larry Isbell
    ChristiansUnite ID: bli61
    Member Since: 2006-01-30
    Location: tuscumbia, Alabama, United States
    Denomination: Baptist
    About Me: I am a Baptist Minister and Evangelist, my wife and I are devout christians, who love the Lord Jesus' Visit our website at http://brolarrys.yolasite.com

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