Thu, Jan 29th - 9:01PM
Reason to Trust
Most of the news we hear or see is not good. Most news casts are
full of bad news. There are wars, terrorist threats, crimes, natural
disasters, and a host of unsettling events.This constant stream of
negative news can lead to anxiety and fear. In the midst of all the
turmoil peace is possible; it all depends on our focus. When we trust on
the Lord, we won’t be shaken, no matter how bad the news of the day is.
When you know Christ you have nothing to fear in the present, and
everything to hope for in the future. God controls time and eternity,
and He never changes. He will keep us calm and full of peace, when we
look to Him.
Are you looking to Christ today?
You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You. Isaiah 26:3
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Thu, Jan 22nd - 9:53PM
Harvest of Blessings
Psalm 67 holds the key to getting the worlds attention for Christ.
This brief Psalm prayer asked to see the nations of the world singing
joyfully because of God’s salvation and righteousness. But how can this
vision be fulfilled? The prayer began by asking for God’s mercy,
blessing and favor [v1]. These requests aren’t made selfishly but with
the purpose of testifying to God’s goodness so the world will know Him
and His ways [v2]. Verses 3 and 5 direct us to praise God as a
testimony. The world tries to make us afraid to praise God openly. Our
praises will bring a harvest of blessings and encourage the world to
fear God. [v7].
5 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. 6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. 7 God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. Psalm 67:5-6-7
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Sat, Jan 17th - 8:59PM
True Prophet
A true prophet of God will preach the truths of God’s Word for the
glory of God and for the good of the hearers. A false prophet, like a
bad tree will produce bad fruit. A true prophet will exhibit the fruit
of the Spirit [Gal. 5:22-23] We should know our Bible well enough to
detect false teaching and false teachers. Discern between a preacher or
teacher who wants to exalt himself and one who truly desires to exalt
the Lord.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:20 (KJV)
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Tue, Jan 13th - 10:39PM
Be Generous
Studies show that the less a person has, the more generous that
person will likely be. This was true for the poor widow Jesus observed
who gave away all she had left to live on. The others who gave alms that
day gave what they could easily afford. Our generosity reflects the
focus of our, lives either others or our selves. Our generosity also
reveals the source of trust either God or possessions.
And he called unto
him his disciples, and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, This poor
widow cast in more than all they that are casting into the treasury:
Mark 12:43 ASV
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Sat, Jan 10th - 9:56PM
Watch Out for Scoffers
The dangers we face every day are more than physical or financial.
Since we live in a diverse culture with many religions, some of the
greatest threats target our beliefs. But this is not just a contemporary
problem. Since the time of Christ, people have mocked God’s truth and
led astray those who believed God’s promises. Peter reminded believers
to watch out for such scoffers who were motivated by their own lustful
desires. He also encouraged believers to stay focused on the truth of
God’s Word.
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 2 Peter 3:3 KJV
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Tue, Jan 6th - 7:41PM
Perfect Justice
Exacting revenge is exhausting work! Seeing that an unjust person
gets what he deserves takes energy. Even fighting for fairness and
justice saps our joy and vitality. So, when bone tired from trying to
put your world right side up, come sit a spell at Jesus’ feet. Listen as
He gently reminds you He alone is Lord and will finally subdue all
things. Before He is through, all injustice will be dealt with and all
unfairness will receive a right condemnation. He does all things
perfectly and will execute perfect justice. If you are troubled today,
rest in His presence.
and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, 2 Thessalonians 1:7
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Fri, Jan 2nd - 10:23PM
Full of Compassion
During a sporting event fans yell for their teams, never giving up
and walking proudly even if they loose. When their teams fail to make a
big play, they have no intention of changing teams next season.The
Psalmist says that God is our cheering fan. God loves us. That’s so hard
for us to believe. We don’t deserve His love. But just as true fan will
support his team even when their losing. God loves us no matter what.
That’s why He is called a God full of compassion. All he asks is that
you accept His love and love Him in return.
But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in faithful love and truth. Psalms 86:15 HCSB
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