Tue, Feb 28th - 9:51PM
Life’s Storms
Paul knew the Jewish people in Rome were facing life’s storms just as all believers do. Their hope for heaven was being tested, and Paul encouraged them to wait patiently in their sufferings. He offered comfort for times when their groans rather than words expressed their deepest longings for God. Sometimes words spoken in prayer seem inadequate. During the worst of life’s storms, whether medical, financial, emotional, or spiritual, The Holy Spirit will intercede when you can’t speak or think. Your inability becomes His ability just when you need Him most. Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we should. But the Spirit himself intercedes with groans too deep for words,
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Fri, Feb 24th - 10:20PM
The Shining Light
Christians are much like lighthouses, serving as a sentinel between danger and safety, between death and life, guiding those who are lost from the troubled waters to a safe harbor. When one gives his or her life to Christ, God ignites His flame in you. However we can hide the light of Christ. Whether we realize it or not, our lives can be a beacon or a blight to the people around us, in our neighborhood, at work, and at play. God has called all believers to be on a mission with Him everywhere they go. Our lives are meant to reflect Christ’s love and illuminate the path to righteousness, safety, and peace. Let us be a light to our community, look around for opportunities to share Christ’s love and saving grace. Let us light a fire that will guide men and women, boys and girls, into tomorrow and eternity. Luke 11:33 “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a hiding place or under a basket, but on a lamp stand, so that those who come in may see its light. [ISV]
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Mon, Feb 20th - 11:01PM
Perfect Peace
True peace can’t be found apart from God. Isaiah said to trust in the Lord as our everlasting strength [Isaiah 26:4]. When we allow other things to take the place of God, we disconnect from the one whose strength gives us peace. With so many activities pulling us in different directions, Satan easily distracts us from the One who keeps our lives aligned. Instead we dwell on things that cause us worry, job, family, dept , illness, to name a few. Keeping our minds set on God takes discipline. We can’t say, I’m going to keep my mind set on God and not work at it. We will soon become mired in the worries of this world. Instead we need to stay on our feet and keep moving toward God. When we let Him be the object of our faith, he will give us the perfect peace. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee Isaiah 26:3.
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Fri, Feb 17th - 11:29PM
Wise Words From Above
The book of James is often considered the Proverbs of the New Testament. The author offers nuggets of wisdom throughout his teaching. Notice in chapter 3 he describes two kinds of wisdom worldly wisdom and heavenly wisdom. Earthly wisdom can be mean-spirited and ambitious, seeking to always have the upper hand. It’s like a storm surge-it crushes everything in its path and leaves behind a residue of devastation. Where as James describes heavenly wisdom beginning with a holy life. It’s pure, gentle, unwavering, and ultimately humble because true wisdom sees the stark contrast between God and humankind. Wisdom knows God with His love kindness saves us despite our wretched ways. How can ambition or pride coexist with the knowledge and understanding of the gospel? True wisdom comes from above. And when we ask for it, just like a generous prodigal father, God pours His wisdom into our lives.–[James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable,gentle and easy to be in treated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.]
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Fri, Feb 10th - 11:16PM
Sometimes we must pass through a necessary painful, cleansing process before we can fulfill the tasks God has called us to be. God forgave Isaiah’s sins when the angel touched his lips with a live burning coal. Isaiah was then able to submit himself entirely to Gods, service and say here I am send me. Are we willing to be Gods servant and say send me. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I , Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8
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Tue, Feb 7th - 11:24PM
Faith Makes Us Whole
The last recorded account of Jesus healing the sick takes place as Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem, just before His crucifixion. When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was nearby, he begged for His mercy. I want to see! he asked, and Jesus didn’t even hesitate. Because of his faith, Jesus immediately healed him. Faith in Jesus made Bartimaeus whole. May we keep the faith and stay strong as we walk through a sinful world. May we not stray away by the strong influence of Satan and his evil, but keep our faith and continue to trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith has made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the way. Mark 10:52
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